YMCA - Fairthorne Manor, Andover - Darcy Construction Skip to content

YMCA – Fairthorne Manor, Andover

Project: New Pre-School Nursery, Community Hall and Children’s Centre, Andover

Duration: 7 months

Project Description:

This design and build project comprised of the construction of a preschool nursery with the capacity of 100 children, alongside associated external garden and car parking areas.

The biggest challenge of this project was that it was a fast-track, 7-month, SIP frame construction to ensure that the clients grants, and funding conditions were met.

The design team was compiled by us as we needed to coordinate the project from conception, to planning, to construction and completion.

We obtained planning permission for the scheme prior to starting onsite and ensured that all the conditions were signed off, whilst working to a very tight deadline.

The building was successfully handed over to the client on time and within budget. Commercially, the project was totally based around funding and therefore the paperwork had to be visible and constantly updated to ensure that payments were made on time to allow the construction work to continue at the fast pace required.

Defects were minimum, and those that did occur were resolved within 24 hours of notification. We still have a good ongoing relationship with the client and as such are working on the next scheme, due to start next year.




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